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"Param Veer Chakra" Naib Subedar Sanjay Kumar Govt. Polytechnic Bilaspur at Kalol

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The following anti ragging squad & disciplinary committee for the below mentioned areas is hereby constituted to take all measures and efficient steps to check, stop ragging in campus. The squad shall make surprise raids in the areas assigned to them regularly.

Anti-Ragging Squad (Acadmic Session 2024-25)

Sr. No. Name & Designation Area Allotted
1 Sh. Satish Kumar, HOD Applied Science Canteen, Chemistry Lab, Physics Lab,
Basic Electrical Engg. Lab, All workshops,
L-1, L-2, L-3 and its surrounding areas.
Sh. Vinay Guleria, Lect. Physics
Sh. Anant Ram, Worksho Inst.
Sh. Lalit Kumar, Workshop Inst.
2 Sh. Chaman Lal, HOD Mech. Engg. Automobile Lab, Electrical Measurement Lab,
Engg. Mechanics Lab, HOD's Rooms, Senior Lecturer Rooms,
SOM Lab, EM Lab, Electronics Lab, H&P Lab, R&AC Lab,
Thermal Engg. Lab, L-4, L-5, L-6 and its surrounding areas.
Sh. Sumit Sharma, Sr. Lect. Mech. Engg.
Sh. Ashwani Kumar, Lect. Elect. Engg.
Sh. Gian Chand, Lab Assistant
3 Sh. Ved Prakash, HOD Elect. Engg. HOD Elect. Engg. Room, Placement Room,
Drawing Hall, Metrology Lab, Language Lab,
Computer Lab, L-7, L-8, L-9 and its
surrounding areas.
Sh. Vivek Kumar, Lect. ECE.
Ms. Himani Sharma, Lect. English
Sh. Jai Kumar, Computer Assistant
4 Sh. Suresh Kumar, Lect. Mech. Engg. CAD Lab, Conference Hall, Library and its surrounding areas.
Ms. Anita Rana, Assistant Librarian
5 Ms. Shabnam Sharma, Lect. Maths Area in and around academic block and main entrance, faculty rooms, store.
Sh. Anil Verma, Workshop Supdt.
Sh. Pankaj Kumar, Lect. Mech. Engg.
6 Ms. Shabnam Sharma, Lect. Maths Girls Hostel and its surrounding areas.
Ms. Himani Sharma, Lect. English
Ms. Anita Rana, Assistant Librarian
7 Sh. Sumit Sharma, Sr. Lect. Mech. Engg. Boys Hostel and its surrounding areas.
Sh. Vivek Kumar, Lect. ECE.
Sh. Anant Ram, Workshop Inst.
Sh. Lalit Kumar, Workshop Inst.

• Every single incident of ragging, a FIR shall be lodged without exception by the college authorities with the local police. In addition one or any combination of the following punishments can be awarded.
• Cancellation of admission.
• Suspension from attending classes.
• Withholding / withdrawing scholarship / fellowship and other benefits.
• Debarring from appearing in any test / examination or other evaluation process.
• Withholding results.
• Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc.
• Suspension / expulsion from the hostel.
• Rustication from the institution for period ranging from 1 to 4 semesters.
• Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution.
Collective punishment: When the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment as a deterrent to ensure community pressure on the potential raggers.